Final Critical Reflection

Reflection for the course:

At the start of the course, I hoped learn the ways to improve my communication skills and effectively communicate with others. I also wanted to learn more about the different types of communication styles and use them accordingly. Through this course, I was able to learn about the different communication style that my friends have such as the assertive and the passive-aggressive communication style. With the given opportunities to interact with classmates in CPD class, I was able to leave my comfort zone and apply what I learnt and adapt instantaneously. Previously, it was a challenge for me to talk to people as I would often choose to be quiet and avoid interacting. However, I feel that I am more confident and are able to present better in front of a class. I learnt the importance of interpersonal skills and how it could affect personal relationships and also in an organization. Therefore, practicing good communication is paramount in an organization and I hope to continue learning the art of communication.

Presentation showcase reflection:

I felt that the winning team, Insecurity team, deserved the first place as I was impressed by their performance. The team presented with confidence and were also able to engage the audience. The information and content were clear and easy to understand. They also used an acronym ACRE, which is  simple and easy to remember. The speakers were able to maintain good eye contact throughout the whole presentation. The  representation from Marriott were also impressed by their presentation and was convinced to use their idea. She also mentioned that she felt that the presentation felt like a legitimate training for the security team. The video they created was funny but yet firm in addressing the problem. I enjoyed myself during the presentation showcase thanks to the teams that presented, the organizing committee, teachers and also guests that attended.


  1. Thank you, Zaki, for this final reflection. I'm happy to hear that you exited your comfort zone in the module and "apply what I learnt and adapt instantaneously." It was also great to see you embrace opportunities to share over the course of the term. I really appreciated hearing your opinion when you were wlling to give it.

    Best wishes as you continue your learning journey.


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